It's A New Year - with new beginnings and more changes.
So how has your New Year began? Mine is going to be different with many changes.
I am starting the New Year with a few less medications - I am trying everything I can to put my diabetes in remission. My doctor thinks my June I will be off all my diabetes meds. Also I have 2 new doctors. One for my PH and the other for my colon.
This month alone I have appts. with the Hematologist, Orthopedist, PH Dr and a Colon Surgeon.
The 14th - I am having a fancy test done - I had to swallow this capsule with 25 neon markers - and I go the 14th for an X-ray so they can count the tiny markers to see how far they traveled in my intestines/colon. I am blocked up again. Apparently since my stimulator for my bladder quit working so did my colon. With an increase of fiber and different meds nothing seems to be working.
The 18th - labs to be done for the blood disease, anemia and clotting problems. Results will be given on the 25th.
The 19th - the Ortho Dr. to make sure my hip, knee and shoulder are still doing okay. I had a cortisone shot in the hip last month for bursitis. Might need another one.
The 21st - I go have an Echo-Bubble test done.
The 27th - I go to the New PH Dr. for the results of the Echo/Bubble test and go over all the past tests to see if I do or do not have PH and if she can help me. She will also let me know more about my Phrenic Nerve.
The 28th - is a Surgical Consult with another new Dr. regarding my colon. My GI Doctor doesn't know what else to do - we now know I can't move my bowels on my own because the nerves do not work. I'll have to keep you posted as to what happens next with this.
Could I possibly fit any more tests or doctors appts in one month? I don't think so.
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