December 19, 2008

Updates to my other posts

Snow has hit us again, this is out my bedroom window. Last night starting about 11pm to 8am this morning we received 10" of snow. It isn't suppose to stop until 3pm this afternoon.

We get a break in snow 1 day and it will start all over again. They are saying before all is said and done in the next few days we will be hit with 3 different storms. So glad I don't have to shovel - my prayers go out to those who do for safety.

Okay other updates:

Nikolas has finally gone home. He is the 1 year who they thought wasn't going to make it - the Lord heard our prayers, he left the hospital and is now with his family at home. Thank you Lord.

Mason is still at home - doing okay had an appointment with the transplant team about another lung transplant. Now we pray for directions for the doctors and Mason.

On Wednesday I had my heart catheterization. It has been determined that with the exception of the the flap being open my heart is perfect - no clogged arteries, no enlargements so basically my heart is normal.

I was suppose to be awake for this so I could exercise, however when it came to the time to lift the dumb bells I was sleeping so the nurse had to move my arms. With them moving my arms my pressures did go up which suggests moderate to severe exercise induced pulmonary hypertension. What would the pressures be if I did the exercise by myself?

It makes me wonder how accurate is the pressure test was, when I wasn't doing the work. I called the heart dr to ask that question, waiting for an answer.

I still have an enlarged pulmonary artery - my pressures are coming from my lungs. So now I'm suppose to go back to my Pulmonary specialist to run one more test - to determine what is wrong with the inside of my lungs.

Latest update on housing: God will have to make a way, housing told me they would pay only $21.00 of the $185.00 increase. That makes my rent go up $164.00 a month. So now I will wait on the Lord - currently there isn't any 1 bedroom appts available under the WHEDA program. Was told by housing yesterday people just don't move out because the rents are so good. I have to say I can't blame them I don't want to move either.

Thanks for reading - may the Lord bless each and everyone of you, Deb.

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